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Are you homeless?

You may be homeless, or threatened with homelessness if you:

  • have nowhere in the United Kingdom or elsewhere that you are entitled to live
  • have nowhere that you and your family can live together
  • currently have somewhere to live, but are unable to stay there because of threats of violence, including racial or other harassment
  • have somewhere to live but it is not reasonable for you to stay there because the accommodation does not meet a tolerable standard and is a threat to the occupants health
  • live in a mobile home, caravan or boat, but have nowhere to put or moor it
  • are likely to become homeless (as defined above) within two months

How can I apply as homeless?

For assistance if you are homeless or threatened with homelessness, you should contact Argyll and Bute Council Housing Services.

Once you contact the Council, you will be given an interview appointment in your nearest local office to have you situation assessed by skilled and experienced staff. If you have no accommodation at all, staff will do their best to see you on the same day as you make contact. Otherwise, staff will see you as soon as they can, certainly within three working days.

What to do in an emergency

Argyll and Bute Council Housing Services team are available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

If you become homeless outside of these hours, you can telephone (at no cost to the caller) 0345 056 5457.

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