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Supported housing

Supported accommodation is accommodation for those who require a high level of support in order to sustain independent living.

This type of accommodation can be for people who:

  • have a learning disability
  • have a mental health issue
  • have high housing support needs
  • are victims of domestic violence

Argyll and Bute Women’s Aid

If you are worried about how someone close to you is treating you, Women's Aid can help. Argyll & Bute Women’s Aid covers the whole of Argyll & Bute and have workers located throughout the area. We also provide an outreach service and will come to you when you can't come to us.

There is someone to talk to between 9am on Monday until 5pm on Friday on 0870 241 3548. At the weekend our answerphone service will tell you where to get immediate emergency help. The Scottish Domestic Abuse helpline can be contacted on 0800 027 1234.

Blue Triangle Housing Association

Blue Triangle provide supported housing in Oban. In order to access this accommodation you must contact Argyll & Bute Council Housing Services

There are also specialist agencies providing various services across Argyll & Bute including Housing Support. You can get more details on the Argyll and Bute Advice Network.
