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Adapted/amenity housing

Adapted Housing

This refers to housing which is built for or adapted to suit, those with mobility or support needs enabling them to maintain an independent lifestyle.

If you feel that your existing property requires an adaptation in order to enable you to continue to stay there we would strongly encourage you to seek advice from your Occupational Therapist, GP, Social Worker, Landlord or Housing Services before taking any action.

Amenity Housing

Amenity housing is particularly suitable for occupation by people with support or medical needs who still wish to live independently but may require a more accessible home.

Such housing will often include one or more of the following features:

  • Level access
  • Level access shower
  • Raised sockets
  • Stairlift
  • Kitchen adapted for a wheelchair user
  • Specialised fitted aids - grab rails, hoists, etc.

Extra Care Housing

Extra care housing is offered by some of the housing associations in Argyll and Bute to enable applicants with high level care needs to have their own tenancy.

Allocations to Extra Care Housing are based on a joint housing and social care needs assessment.

Examples of Extra Care Housing are the Jura and Mull Progressive Care Centres. Alternatively there is provision within some of ACHA’s sheltered housing complexes.

Argyll & Bute Council provides advice and assistance to households in order that they can access a range of services including adaptations that would meet their assessed needs and enable them to remain in their current home.

Assessment of works and priority is carried out by the Occupational Therapy Service.

How to apply

You can apply for adapted/amenity housing through the Home Argyll Common Housing Register.

You will be asked to complete a Common Housing Register Application and Self-Assessment Medical Form and a decision will be reached on the level of priority to award your application. Depending on your circumstances it may be necessary to discuss your application with Social Work, Health, or Occupational Therapy services.

Bield Housing Association and Trust Housing Association are part of the Scottish Housing Options (SHOP).

The following national Housing Associations may also have adapted/amenity housing in Argyll & Bute:

Additional services

Grant Assistance to Owner Occupiers

Argyll & Bute Council is keen to help disabled private owner occupiers, and their families, find ways to remain safe, secure and content in their own homes and grant aid to provide assessed priority adaptation is available starting at 80% up to 100%. Adaptations can alleviate the impact of all physical and mental disability, including Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

Grant Assistance for Private Landlords or Tenants

Argyll & Bute Council provides advice to tenants and landlords in the private rented sector which may enable accommodation to be adapted to meet the needs of the tenant eg provision of a walk in shower.

Housing Associations

If you rent your home from a housing association contact your landlord to discuss the possibility of adaptations to suit your needs.

Argyll & Bute Care and Repair

Care and Repair offers independent advice and assistance to help elderly and disabled homeowners repair, improve or adapt their homes so that they can live in comfort and safety in their own community. Advice is provided to households across the Argyll & Bute Council area.

Address: 5 Stafford Street, Oban, Argyll, PA34 5NT

Telephone: 01631 567 780

Telecare Service

The Telecare Alarm Service is available to any Argyll and Bute resident who is assessed as being at risk due to age and / or disability and / or social circumstances.

This includes people who are:

  • Living alone or living with another vulnerable person
  • Living with a carer or carers where the service is essential to maintain the care arrangements
  • Carers who require support to help look after a dependent
  • Disabled due to clinical/medical condition such as MS, epilepsy or heart condition
  • Responsible for a child/children who may be at risk due to the medical condition of their carers
  • Vulnerable when living alone due to a history of domestic violence
  • Isolated or housebound due to disability, regardless of age

The Telecare Service is a 24 hour, 365 days a year service, which is currently supported by Hanover Telecare (0845 604 4686). All calls from a Telecare Unit result in immediate voice contact being made with staff in Hanover Telecare, via your telephone line. The operator on duty will deal with your call and where appropriate pass your call to your nominated keyholder.

Telecare is also able to provide other sensors including smoke detectors, heat sensors, open door alerts, flood detectors, bed and chair sensors and a range of other equipment which can be linked to the telecare unit. These sensors will activate automatically should assistance be required. For more information please contact Argyll & Bute Council on 01546 605 522.
